Elderly Hearing Loss Causes and Prevention

Gradual hearing loss becomes increasingly common as we get older. In fact, approximately one in three people between 65-74 years old suffers from some degree of older hearing loss issues.

This will not only strain communication and relationships, but has also been linked to cognitive decline, social isolation, and other health issues.

The good news is there are effective ways to prevent or manage hearing loss with early intervention and healthy lifestyle choices.

what causes hearing loss in older adultsCauses of elderly hearing loss can be a variety of factors that can affect many individuals. The aging process itself causes structural changes in the inner ear that impair its ability to transmit sound signals to the brain.

Additionally, long-term exposure to loud noises can damage the delicate hair cells within the ear over time. Medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer treatments may also play a role.

While some hearing loss may be inevitable with advanced age, here is what helps hearing loss in elderly:

  • Use Hearing Protection – Wear earplugs/earmuffs when around loud equipment or environments like concerts.
  • Avoid Loud Volumes – Keep television, radio, and headphone volumes at 60% or less of the maximum level.
  • Manage Medical Conditions – Follow your doctor’s guidance to properly control diseases that can increase elderly hearing loss.
  • Stay Physically ActiveAerobic exercise promotes good blood flow and heart health, which is vital for ear function.

If you do experience hearing difficulties, don’t ignore it. Have your hearing tested annually and explore treatment solutions like hearing aids, cochlear implants, or assistive listening devices.

Taking action early can help prevent or slow down future hearing decline.

When trying to communicate more clearly for those with elderly hearing loss, maximize communication by facing people directly, reducing background noise, and asking them to speak slowly and clearly.

Let friends and family know how best to engage with you. Keeping our ears healthy gets more challenging with age, but being proactive about prevention and treatment for hearing issues can help seniors stay socially connected and engaged in everyday life.

Do you need help with hearing loss in seniors you love at home? My Choice Home Care can provide 24-hour home care services, day or night shift care, or hourly care for you or your loved ones. Our team is prepared to conduct an at-home consultation to work with you and your family to develop a care plan suited for each individual. Send us a message here or call (828) 200-9000 to speak to someone today if you or a loved one would like to enjoy the benefits of living independently in your own home.

Digestive Health for Seniors – Elderly Digestive Problems and Tips

As we grow older, our elderly digestive system often doesn’t work as efficiently as it once did when we were younger.

A wide range of senior digestive health issues become increasingly common among the elderly population. Being aware of these conditions and their remedies are important for maintaining proper digestive health for seniors and improve overall well being, as well as quality of life.

Some of the most frequent digestive problems affecting older adults:

  • Constipation – decreased muscle strength, inadequate fiber/fluid intake, and certain medications can leave seniors constipated. This may cause pain, bloating, and straining.
  • Diverticular Disease – pouches (diverticula) bulge out from weakened areas of the digestive tract, often triggering inflammation, bleeding, or infections.
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) – a weakened esophageal sphincter allows stomach acid to back up, causing heartburn, nausea, and difficulty swallowing.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases – conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis involving chronic gut inflammation tend to worsen with age.
  • Malabsorption – as the elderly digestive system becomes less effective, crucial nutrients may not be properly absorbed from food.

Here’s how to improve digestion in elderly loved ones:

foods to improve senior digestive health by healing the gut.

  • Stay Hydrateddrink plenty of fluids daily to keep things moving smoothly through the digestive tract.
  • Eat More Fiber – choose high-fiber foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, and beans to prevent constipation.
  • Avoid Trigger Foods – keep a log of foods that seem to worsen elderly gut health issues such as acid reflux, gas, diarrhea etc. and avoid them.
  • Stay Active – regular light exercise and movement aids digestion and gut motility.
  • Consider Probiotics – probiotic supplements can help restore beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Discuss Medicationscertain prescriptions and supplements may increase elderly digestive problems.

See your health expert if problems persist

If you experience severe, chronic, or worsening elderly digestive problems like bleeding, intense pain, or vomiting, make an appointment with your doctor promptly. Many digestive disorders are highly treatable when caught early. With some adjustments to diet, activity levels, and lifestyle, most elderly adults can get their troubling digestive issues under control.

Looking for help with digestive health for seniors you love at home? My Choice Home Care can provide 24-hour senior care services at home, day or night shift care, or hourly care for you or your loved ones. Our team is prepared to conduct an at-home consultation to work with you and your family to develop a care plan suited for each individual. Send us a message here or call (828) 200-9000 to speak to someone today if you or a loved one would like to enjoy the benefits of living independently in your own home.