Senior Oral Health Care: What You Need To Know

Seniors need to keep their dental health in check to enjoy basic quality of life. Elderly people may have specific challenges and risk factors as they grow old which could affect the health of their teeth. Knowing these elderly dental risks and adopting good oral health routines may prevent dental issues and problems.

senior dental health tips to prevent dental problems in elderlySome dental problems in elderly people include:

In the meantime, it is recommended to practice a good oral care routine.

Senior dental care means brushing your teeth with fluoride and flossing every day in order to remove plaque and bacteria that can cause gum disease if left in the mouth.

One of the most frequent worries from seniors is denture usage. To keep your mouth healthy and pain free, denture care and maintenance is crucial.

Some important steps for denture care include:

  • Cleaning denture and inside of mouth after each meal
  • Brush your dentures daily
  • Soak overnight
  • Avoid hard candies and chewy candies
  • Reduce and softly chew nuts and chips

Practicing good oral hygiene is an essential part of healthy aging.

Caregivers and family members should as well help with elderly and oral health. Assist with those who may find it hard to brush teeth or care for dentures independently. Here are more helpful tips for oral health care practices in aging adults.

Are you or a loved one looking for help at home with elderly dental care or anything else? My Choice Home Care is a senior care service that serves clients in Macon, Jackson, and Haywood Counties in North Carolina. Counties served in Georgia are Rabun, Towns, and Habersham. Counties served in Upstate South Carolina are Oconee, Pickens, and Anderson. Contact us here or call (828) 200-9000 to speak to someone today if you or a loved one would like to enjoy the benefits of living independently in your own home.

The Benefits of Pets for Seniors

There are numerous advantages of having a companion pet for seniors, particularly in terms of relieving loneliness among the elderly. Retirement, loss of loved ones, family being far away, and reduced mobility among seniors might also lead to social isolation.

Adopting a pet may help reduce feelings of depression and loneliness.

Seniors also get a sense of purpose and responsibility from caring for their pets, like taking on daily chores such as grooming, playing with, and feeding them, which could provide some seniors with a routine and structure, as well as emotional support.

Additionally, there are many physical benefits to owning pets. Caring for a pet often involves physical activities like walking or playing with them. This encourages regular exercise among seniors.

Studies have shown benefits of a companion pet for seniors:

Best dog for the elderly - benefits of pets for senior citizensAdopting a pet for seniors should be well-thought out and planned ahead of time.

This assures the best quality of life for the new furry family member. Make sure there is back-up care in the event of an emergency, and that veterinarian care is within your budget. For those families who live together, caring for a pet is an enjoyable and loving addition for all generations.

If you or your elderly loved one intends to get a pet, they should take into account their abilities and lifestyle to make certain that they are able to properly care for a pet. Some seniors may choose a pet that does not require a lot of physical activity, such as older cats or dogs. Many shelters may often waive fees on older pets for senior citizens, as they are harder to adopt out.

Do you need assistance?

Are you or a loved one looking for help with companionship and care? My Choice Home Care is a senior care service that serves clients in Macon, Jackson, and Haywood Counties in North Carolina. Counties served in Georgia are Rabun, Towns, and Habersham. Counties served in Upstate South Carolina are Oconee, Pickens, and Anderson. Contact us here or call (828) 200-9000 to speak to someone today if you or a loved one would like to enjoy the benefits of living independently in your own home.

What Seniors Should Know About The Shingles Vaccine

Shingles is an illness brought about by the varicella-zoster virus, which is a reactivation of the chicken pox virus. It is more likely to occur in people with a weakened immune system, which includes seniors.

Shingles presents as an angry, painful rash with a “stripe of blisters,” and affects over 1 million Americans each year in the U.S., according to the CDC. Shingles can be managed better if detected early on and treated swiftly to avoid complications like postherpetic neuralgia, meaning the pain persists after treatment.

Some signs and symptoms of shingles in seniors include:

  • Painful blisters and sores on the trunk of the body
  • Redness or rash-like appearance that may tingle or be itchy
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Upset stomach

The best method of prevention for shingles is by means of vaccination.

how to treat elderly shingles patientsThe shingles vaccine seniors need to know is Shingrix, which can greatly decrease your chances of getting shingles. It’s suggested for adults over 50 — even if you’ve had chickenpox already, as well as adults over 19 who may have compromised immune systems.

Aside from immunization, there are other steps older adults can do to potentially lower the chances of getting shingles. Keeping yourself in proper shape through regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and proper rest can bolster your immune system.

Family members of loved ones that may not be able to schedule vaccinations should be educated on senior specific vaccinations, and talk with their loved ones primary care provider to create a vaccine schedule. Shingle prevention is an essential part of creating quality of life for our elderly loved ones.

Do you need help?

Are you or a loved one looking for help at home with shingles in seniors and other disease prevention? My Choice Home Care is a senior home care service that serves clients in Macon, Jackson, and Haywood Counties in North Carolina. Counties served in Georgia are Rabun, Towns, and Habersham. Counties served in Upstate South Carolina are Oconee, Pickens, and Anderson. Call (828) 200-9000 to speak to someone today if you or a loved one would like to enjoy the benefits of living independently in your own home.

Senior Obesity – Prevention and Risks

The health and well-being of the overweight aging population is a growing challenge that has significant implications on their health. Seniors tend to put on weight as they age because of various factors including reduced metabolism, hormonal changes and lifestyle habits that make one gain weight easily but have difficulty losing it. The definition of obesity for seniors is a BMI of 30 or greater.

Obese seniors face a heightened risk of developing several diseases which include:

Obesity in old age can also worsen pre-existing health problems, leading to a poorer standard of living.

Addressing obesity in seniors over 70 is largely preventive. This can be achieved by promoting ongoing physical activity that suits individual capabilities and conditions, even if it’s a short 10-minute walk each day. Muscle preservation can be done through strength training, which also boosts mobility.

In managing weight, a balanced diet is also crucial for seniors.

healthy diet to help prevent senior obesity risksWeight management can be enhanced by promoting a diet which includes whole grains, healthy fats, vegetables, lean proteins and fruits.

Do your best to limit processed foods packed with saturated fats, high fructose corn syrup, and extra sugar.

Additionally, it is crucial to raise the awareness of the dangers of obesity

Educating seniors and their caregivers can prevent the harmful outcomes of obesity in old age. This leads to recognizing unhealthy patterns that may cause a risk later on. To kick-start a healthy lifestyle, speak with your doctor today to create a specialized plan for yourself or your loved one.

We are here to help

Are you or a loved one looking for help at home with senior obesity? My Choice Home Care is a senior care service that serves clients in Macon, Jackson, and Haywood Counties in North Carolina. Counties served in Georgia are Rabun, Towns, and Habersham. Counties served in Upstate South Carolina are Oconee, Pickens, and Anderson. Visit MyChoiceHome.Care or call (828) 200-9000 to speak to someone today if you or a loved one would like to enjoy the benefits of living independently in your own home.